PICTURE 1&2 - MR. TRUMPETTI - The inventor and creator of Mechanical objects. Dwells in the Inferno.
PICTURE 3 - CARROT - One of the three human friends who live on the hilltop of Purgatorio. He is soft spoken, but intuitive.
PICTURE 4 - GREEN BARRY - A lanky fellow, one of the three human friends who live on the hilltop of Purgatorio. Youthful, energetic.
PICTURE 5 - SCOUT & AUTO (L & R) - Scout is the main character, she is further along in dressing, don't worry. The lucky machine who is blessed with a human essence. Auto is a outgoing leader type, one of the three human friends who live on the hilltop of Purgatorio.
NAMES: will be updated soon, after script is written. These are the 5 out of 6 characters that will be starring in my stop motion short film I am making for my senior thesis. Bluegreen Hill will be an epic story... you just wait for that story.... cause it's a coming... soon. Don't test me.
Copyright 2010 George Peaslee